Tuesday, January 03, 2006

01-02-05/Something to Think About

I needed to write this out... It was a rainy day and I was just going through the motions, U know... I heard Randi Rhodes of Air America Radio on. She cracks me up. It was a lot going through my head, U know, the economy, Hurricane Katrina (ay I haven't forgotten), the war (God take care of my nephew and his daughter-both in the military), NSA spying on American citizens (told y'all!), etc. It is really hard to stay positive and happy about the new year but I heard RR and I feel so inspired. She admires Oprah also, and she wanted to do something to help the Katrina surviviors who are still pretty much without home or hearth and she came up with this idea to help them. If every one who listens to Air America Radio can keep their spare change and take it to the local Air America station, they could put it in an escrow account and at least help someone to build a new home, through like, Habitat for Humanity and other direct-action programs. Isn't that great? I am cash poor but I am participating in this. What a great way to start off the New Year! I believe helping others lifts us both up. As Randi Rhodes always says," in the military we were only as strong as the weakest one amongst us". She makes a good point because that person could cost you your life, and vice versa, so it selfishly behooves us to help one another if we can. The first time I ever heard of such a thing was with Jay Winter Nightwolf of 89.3 fm/WPFW in Washington, DC. It was to help out the Native elderly and children in "Indian" country on two reservations so that they wouldn't freeze and go hungry this winter, due to all the social programs that have been drastically cut. And for the Christians out there, I don't have to tell you how Jesus felt about helping out those in need... but I will, anyway! Matthew 25:35-45 summarily is: 'what you do to the least of these amongst you, you do unto Me'. Jesus also cracked down on those "who claim to love God Whom they cannot see, but hate their brother (or sister) whom they can see"; i.e., "Hypocrite"! I know it's hard out here, believe me, I do! But if U can give out of your need, U can give out of your greed, right?
Anyway, even if U don't believe in God or Higher Power/Infinite Intelligence, Whatever, (that's your path, your life, no judgement), you really have to help others because karma exists and you have to believe in your fellow humans when your time of need comes up. Robert Ingersoll said (I'm paraphrasing) that Christians sit back and pray for God to help their brothers and sisters, but an atheist doesn't have that option, so if you want something done, better take it to an atheist.
In a way, I can see what he's saying because that sort of lets the religious off the hook and they can live more selfishly and be lazy. That's why they have the Reminder, Jesus to keep 'em right.
Oh yeah, here's something I heard or read years ago and I never forgot it: a historian-writer and an astronaut were conversing before the astronaut's journey into space to "meet God". The astronaut goes "up there" and comes back and the historian-writer says, "So did you meet God?" "Yeah, I met God", the astronaut replies. Historian-writer asks, "Well tell me what God is like?" The astronaut says, " Well, your'e not gonna believe this, but She's Black".


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