Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Catching Up/ranting & Ravings

Okay, I feel like it's been a long time since I have entered anything, but not so. Yet, I have taken a lot of notes. So here goes:
First, I clutched my heart when I heard the Original King of Comedy, Richard Pryor had died of a heart attack. I heard it on the radio while I was passing through and I didn't want to believed it. Rest in peace Richard Pryor. You inspired a whole generation.
Next: I have a lot of comments on things, like Bill Maher. I saw him on some show late one night, and I had wondered what happened to him after Politically Incorrect was taken off the air in September 2001. Well, he's back and he's busy and he was never gone and he is funny and has some ideas. I remember seeing him and Jon Stuart years ago back in the early '90's doing their standup routines.
Next Next: I wrote this out around December 10th through the 12th, something like that, but I never had the chance to enter it, so here goes:
Well, this will be the third Christmas my daughter will not have Christmas gifts, nor even a Christmas tree anymore, thanks to lies and harassments. We had a 6 foot tree given to me by a nice older couple since their kids were grown and out of the house, and a 16 inch tree that we loved and brought beautiful tiny ornaments for and I didn't have to struggle with putting it up and decorating it and then we had a really tiny tree (Barbie doll-sized) that we put on a table with my Black baby Jesus and Black angels, etc. Thanks to the Patriot Act (CoIntelPro) and followers, we have basically lost everything. I had no room to take the two bigger trees so I somehow managed to pack our lights, ornaments and Christmas stockings, but what good is ornaments without a tree? We both (my kid and I) used to love Christmas but it's hard to get in the "Spirit" when people have rifled through our belongings, taken what they wanted, trashed my name with lies wherever I work and "investigate" me to hell! I am still a Jesus Freak, though. He keeps me going. On Saturday, I went though our now tiny Xmas box to find my Black manger scene intact and my grown Black Jesus with a Lamb also. A tiny glass harp, two Black angels and lots of Xmas lights. The lights no longer work. How depressing is that? Everything that happens, God's Holy Spirit recalls to my mind a scripture to match. For this, I recall that the "enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy" (John 10:10). This is why our Lord Jesus Christ tells us in Matthew 6:19 to not lay up for ourselves treasures on earth where they can be broken, or stolen or burned in a fire, etcetera, but to lay up our treasures in Heaven with God where no human can "steal, kill nor destroy" them. Understand (John 14:26 and 1 Peter 5:8) "Stuff" is temporary. It's hard to explain this to a child though. Especially a child who is used to getting lots of presents on Christmas Day. Another scripture that God's Holy Spirit recalls to mind is Ephesians 6:12. It is very clear on what's going on here. I also remember that everyone who says they're "Christian" aint necessarily so. (Matthew 7:20-23)
Besides, God takes care of me! Matthew 6:31- 33, that's not irresponsibility, that's faith and trust in the Lord with all thine heart and not leaning to mine own understanding but in all my ways acknowledging Him, and He shall direct my paths (Proverbs 3:5,6)[one of my favorite scriptures] and those that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength, also.
The Bible also says that the devil is the author of fear and confusion. So when people are fearful and confused they need to consider the source. God is a God of peace and love. The True and Living God that no
hu(man) can contain nor control. "Test the spirits beloveds, to see if they are of God": this is what Paul wrote in the Timothy. The Bible also says Satan appears as an angel of light ( a good way to decieve). The number one way to figure out truth is John 8:43 and 44. Jesus's Words about the enemy's lies and those that follow him lie too and they cannot help it because they are like their father the devil who is a lie... read it and see.
Anyway, I have the "unspeakable joy" and the peace that surpasseth all understanding". Whatever they do to me, I know my Saviour endured it and as a follower of the Christ I can expect the same treatment. It has nothing to do with my baptism because it takes a while to get the Holy Spirit after you get baptized. Plus you have to study and pray to "get thee understanding".
Anyways, I'm cool...
Next3--I heard Reverend Al Sharpton on WOL 12-15-05 asking folks what they are going to do to help others during the holy days (holiday comes from the words "holy day") and what will our purpose(s)be in 2006, with all the suffering in the world, etc. He mentioned we shouldn't just be about self and live a meaningless existence. I like Rev. Al (he always preaches and makes me think he's talking specifically to me--that's a good preacher) but I beg to differ with some of his statements. Such as, not all of his listeners/viewers/supporters are blithely going through life trying to satisfy self to the exclusion of others. Most people are struggling to put food on the table, raise children as well as be caregivers to others, keep their own heads above water, etc. As for me, (and many African Americans) we can be homeless, penniless, family-less and not even appear to be. I can have nothing but not feel compelled to wallow in self-pity. Otherwise, you just might stay stuck in your situation. One of the things I work feverishly toward is building and raising the self-images of young Black women and girls, so that they will treat themselves with respect and love and not let others abuse and disrespect them. This might not be important to some, but I see the importance of building and maintaining a woman's self-image and self-respect, as important to us all. It determines whether she will be a teen mother, take and/or abuse drugs, how she will raise her children, whether she will sink or swim under the pressures of racisim, sexism, poverty, etcetera. We should always put our best foot forward. Regardless of what others think of you. Those may be opinions, not fact. They could even be someone's lies, but you shouldn't think less of yourself. For example, Fifty Cent. Back in November there was a lot of hype about banning rapper Fifty Cent's movie about his life, due to the violent content. Some thought it glorified the negative aspects. I haven't seen it, so I can't comment, other than on what I did see and read about it.
Most people knew of 50's violent and troubled past waaaay before the movie. He raps about it constantly; "Coming up I was confused, saw my momma kissing a girl, daddy probably out committing felonies" etc. Second, there is violence all over this planet. Do we protest that? And last, the positive to me is that he made it out of that situation with perseverance, determination and he had to think positive to go from the 'hood and jail and being shot several times to a mansion in Connecticut with 15(!) bathrooms. He should, afterall, be able to tell his life story as he sees it. I believe there is something to be learned from EVERY life no matter how negative or shallow it appears to some. The very reason we are here (in MHO) is to learn enough to become one with the Great Spirit so that when the physical life is over, we can either graduate from this universe-ity and spend an eternity in Holy Heaven with the Holy Spirit, in the spirit (because flesh and blood cannot enter Heaven as the Bible says. Just because someone didn't put all their business out there, doesn't mean they aren't about their business. We have to accept people at their level of awareness, the path they are on. (This is/was a hard lesson for me to learn). Jesus said, "Let each man work out their own salvation". That's what this means to me. Moving along the path between the flesh and the spirit. Some of us know that this life is not about just the flesh and some don't have that awareness yet. This is why I don't put all my treasures on earth (as Jesus says in Matthew 6:19). I too am ordained as a minister and evangelist, but that don't make NONE of us perfect! So we cannot judge another person and their experiences and the path that life has taken them on. As a follower of Christ I was shocked to hear Rev Al say someone's life didn't matter (TO OTHER HUMANS). I am sure he didn't mean it like it came out though. I recall the scriptures where Jesus said to do your good works in secret and not to impress fellow humans (Matthew 23:5) Our fellow humans are all on their own individual path in the lessons of life. Isn't that what Jesus said in Matthew 15:9? I was also shocked to hear him say that some folks are not worth remembering, as if every life is not important, when a week ago he was saying Stanley Tookie Williams' life should be spared. (???)Matthew 7:7 says God alone should judge humans. I believe every life means something in the grand scheme of things. I mean, we can't all be born, live and die for nothing, right? If life is precious, life is precious. The homeless man eating from the garbage can, the prisoners, single moms, alcoholics, poor people, mentally disabled, physically disabled... see where I'm going with this? Who is next to be "worthless"? Anyways, it started with some economic summit which costs $850, so some of us won't be attending, not because we don't want to... we can't! Yet it doesn't mean we cannot do grassroots activites in our communities such as continuing to advocate for the Katrina survivors (who were at DC Stadium Armory but are now dispersed-- again, and giving donations to both the Rosebud and Pine Ridge Native American reservations for the children who were placed in OnTrack foster care and need food, clothing, school supplies, etc. Or, give a dollar to Oprah's Angel Network which all goes directly to actually help people and then she talks about it afterwards. That's why I believe Oprah is completing her missions on earth that God has assigned to her. None of us will live forever and we can't take our riches with us. Even Egypt's Pharoahs weren't assured of that. Tutuankwamen had his earthly treasures until 1922 but he couldn't use them. So all this stuff, this physical stuff, bling bling, etc, is temporary. You definitely can't keep it for an eternity! Things that last forever are things our human flesh eyes cannot see. To me, that's what the Bible verse, "We walk by faith, not by sight"means. Let's be real...African Americans are very caught up in the prosperity
(un)consciousness. So much so that young 'uns make decisions and forge relationships based on what they see, and what they desire and what others have. The Bible is very clear on this danger. Judas Iscariot betrayed the innocent Jesus for 30 pieces of silver (a lot of moolah back in those days, I'm sure), but, " what profits a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul?" In our spiritual quest, we must rid ourselves of our "fetters", the ties that bind us to earth. Remember, Jesus said the widow with her 2 mitres were worth more than all the wealthy donations for show from the rich because it was all she had and she wasn't trying to impress? And remember on Calvary when Jesus was on the sign of death and promised the robber and the beggar that He would be with them and they would be with Him in paradise? Do these 2 testimonies of Jesus sound like Jesus considered some people as "worthless"? John 3:16 reminds us that "for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son so that whomsoever shall believe on Him, shall not perish but shall have life everlasting". This is the essential element of the ancient Black book known as the Bible, from beginning to the end, the Alpha and the Omega, it is about the plan of redemtpion, the worth and value of EVERY being and that judgement is reserved for the God Who created us and is Holy enough to judge humanity. For he who has not sinned, let him cast the first stone". This is where forgiveness, redemption and salvation comes in. Without these, there is no hope for humanity. I am rather liberal (in some things) but these are NOT fairy tales as some would suggest. These are life's lessons. They can build you up and keep you going, even when you might not want to. I said I would keep from bringing up my Saviour on this site, but once U get started, oh it's hard to stop, yeah! ( a little Chaka Khan for you) Therefore, if U publicly represent God and His only begotten Son, maybe U shouldn't judge another human being as worthless. It doesn't "look" good. The Bible states several times about the separation of God's spiritual things and the earthly things. 1 Corinthians 2:10 through 15, and Romans 8:4, Luke 6:36 and 37, 1 Samuel 16:7, Psalms 40:4 and Ephesians 4:29... as well as hu(man) beings unable to judge other humans and every life has a purpose to the God Who Created It.
Next4-Oprah, Tyra, America's Next Top Model and Beyonce'. If U think the preceeding ranting was long, just wait...
This one's about the self-image and self-esteem of Black women and Black girls. In the predominant culture, if U are the very antithesis of that culture's ideal of feminine beauty, U are treated as such. Black girls and women need to know they are beautiful too. That we deserve the same treatment and are just as deserving. It affects how we treat others, and more importantly, how we treat ourselves. How I have turned in shame and disgust from some of the more raunchy (shall we say?) videos of booty-shaking , grinding females who may be a little too young and nai"eve" to understand that they are being shamelessly exploited. How I have longed to see a quality movie or video of a Black woman as a glamorous and beautiful, classy woman, self-assured and positive and talented as well. I remember when rap was about "Self-Destruction" "you're headed for self-destruction" and "It takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back-Public Enemy. What happened? And when? A lot of the women who appear in these "uncut" videos think this is their claim to fame and their only chance. Perhaps they are even shocked to find out they are going nowhere reeeel fast. Lest I sound prudish, let me say that I am not totally blaming the young women nor the men who cast this stuff. If U act like a 'ho or 'Biach' surely the world will treat U that way. I felt it was necessary to defend a Black woman's right to think of herself as beautiful and deserving, but she will never get that kind of respect when she does the "uncuts". Even the males who buoy your physical attributes and "skills" would NEVER want U as a lifelong parter (i.e., "wife"). Yes, it is doubly wrong for Black males to exploit Black females in such a way, especially considering our history, (a very sensitive subject due to slavery and thereafter), and that is why educating a Black girl to love herself and respect herself is so important. I had started to write this before I saw a video explaining what is really going on, who these young women are and how they make it to the world of "porn rap" videos. Yes I said "porn rap" because that's exactly what it is. I now have a better understanding of how they get into these situations. Remember what Isaiah said in the Bible? "My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge". So we need to make it our business to get some. Knowledge, that is; information, education; constantly, consistently. There is something wrong with any educational system that U spend 12 years in, and U feel U can only get a job stripping (oops, I mean, being an "exotic dancer"). There's got to be some other choices for young Black women, but we gotta start with their dreams. As Rev. Jesse Jackson oft says, "What your mind can believe, U can achieve". There are, of course, Black women who are beautiful and successful that young Black girls and women too, can look up to. At the top of my list, is the Black Queen, Oprah. Lady O is outstanding, for the way she carries herself and articulates and the way she spreads her infectious spirit to others worldwide. The same with Tyra Banks and Beyonce'. These are just a few of the many examples of beautiful, talented Black women that our young girls should study. Also, I cannot remember her name, but there is a young woman who used to be an "exotic dancer" in these uncut videos and she has left that world behind and has forged a new career as a writer (of her experiences) and now she admits she had no self-esteem and she explained how she got caught up in that world. I have seen her book in bookstores and I scanned it quickly and assumed she was a porn star so I never read anything more than the cover of the book. I am proud of her, although I can't remember her real name. The men in the industry had referred to her as "Superhead". Her book is called "Confessions of a Video Vixen" I believe, not sure, but I've seen it more than once in bookstores. She has on a blonde wig I think. I am not going to judge her harshly. I am proud of her for getting her life together. That's the beauty and strength of a woman. I wonder if these rappers and casting directors for the videos would like to see their mom, or sister, or daughters doing the same thing? Also, it is rather sexist to assume that only men want to see rap videos. Surely not many women want to see an ass shaking when they turn on the tv, so I assume these videos are just for men. The fact that the woman stated that they had to have booze and pills to live with themselves is proof positive that U can't have self-esteem and self-love and let others abuse U. Money aint that important. Remember what the Bible says: For the LOVE of money is the root of all evil. Over the years, my observations have proven this to be a remarkable truth!
Besides, does anyone know the names of these "video vixens"? Are they household names? Will some kid do a book report on Black History Month about them? When the money is gone, where will they be? Who will remember them? Who will even care? Black ladies/girls let's learn to love ourselves (and one another) so that we will quite naturally demand to be treated with self-respect and pure love, and if we don't get it, we walk, and never come back. It is a hard lesson for all women, but especially hard for Black women who are "undervalued, underestimated and marginalized" (Joe Madison is a brilliant man) on a daily basis.
Speaking of Oprah (and Joe Madison of Radio One-WOL) I wanted to comment on something I heard only on Joe Madiosn's show a few weeks back. It was about Oprah being snubbed--again. This time by a tres chic country club in California, where, reportedly, her application for membership was rejected twice. If so, that is the country club's loss. I understand she offered to build them a new tennis court, but they said "that is just not done". Again, I'll say it again. I believe somebody's trying to put Oprah where they think is "her place". They can't stop Lady O! Did U know that Lady Oprah is seen in 160 countries and growing? Do you also know that the number one show in Saudi Arabia (or Kuwait) is Oprah?
Oh, and the quote above is from Joe Madison who always reminds us that "Black people are culturally conditioned to believe they are to be undervalued, underestimated and marginalized".
And while I am on the subject, Joe Madison has done a lot for the people of Darfur in the Sudan and was on the board of the NAACP for years. Again, I respect this man tremendously. And if he is correct in his motto, then that would explain why young Black women/girls feel they should break into ho business by doing "uncut" videos. BTW, if what we see is the "cut" version, what on earth is going on when the cameras stop rolling?
Also on WOL there was an attorney, by the name of Barbara Ratcliffe I believe and she wrote a book called The Battered Race Syndrome. In it she claims that African Americans/Africans/Black people have the symptoms similar to those of a battered spouse, such as learned helplessness and identifying with and protecting their abusers, and denial of how bad things really are, etc. She is calling for a nationwide Black-out or boycott on December 17 and December 24, but I am with Mr. Brian Higgins on that one. I just don't see the point. She says if we are successful on those two days, then we can do it on a much larger scale, next year, I think she said, but if we don't buy anything on the 24th, like Mr. Higgins said, what is the difference if we buy it on the 23rd? Not much, huh? Her other suggestion (Rev Al dittoed this was to buy only Black), from BOBOs. Yeah, if U can find one.
Also, Randi Rhodes was talking about being on C-SPAN's Q& A with Brian (I think ) Lamb. Randi Rhodes is on Air America Radio, and the reason I mention her so frequently is because I thought I heard her say she was an African American 2 or 3 times, and I thought I misunderstood her because I saw a blonde White chick when I went to Airamericaradio.com.Yet, after I saw her on tv, I believe she is a sistah. She's funny, too. She does these wild impressions. she cracks me up. Another person who cracks me up is JW Nightwolf of WPFW.ORG/PACIFICA radio. Except he is serious about what he is saying. I don't think he's playing.
Also, I saw Miss Eartha Kitt on a magazine cover for this month-December 2005. It was called Cabaret Scene. I have always admired Miss Eartha Kitt. She was a big deal in our family when I was growing up, because of her bravery and outspokenness. I read one of her life stories at 12 years old. I believe it was called Of The Earth or Out Of The Earth. It was a gripping story about how she was left with others at about 3 years old, and how she doesn't know her exact age and how she was abused for being a "yella gal" in the South and her rise to fame. I only wanted to read about CatWoman, because that's what I remember, on BatMan. See how you can look good even though you can go through hell? That's why I admire her. She takes a licking and keeps on ticking.

Next to the last: Oh yeah, and this... everybody's tripping about the President saying he ordered wiretaps, blah, blah, and the New York Times sitting on this info, blah, blah, blah, Constitutional Rights, blah, blah ... I told y'all years ago it was happening! I TOLD Y'ALL! Oh, I'm crazy, I'm paranoid, blah, blah, blah. Told ya! Told you so.
Okay, and this-I thought this was insightful: Change your thinking, change your choices, change your life--from actor Terence Howard, who, by the way, has been in every thing in 2005.
Later, peace


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