Sunday, October 02, 2005

I've Got a Lot To Say

Okay, here goes...
*I'm going back about 2 or 3 weeks, because I've been so busy I haven't had time to blog for a while, but... Francis Newton, the first Black woman to be executed in America since, like, the Civil War was executed in Texas by lethal injection on September 14th, I believe it was. I never even had the chance to go on the website to learn more than I got from the radio. I heard excerpts of interviews with her on Air America Radio and Democracy Now. It seems the "other side" is throwing so many fiery darts at their "opponents" that they hardly know how to play the game or win the war. Know what I mean? Get a clue.
What's A Black Life Worth? I believed Francis Newton's story of her brother-in-law and his drug problems, etc as the cause of her family's murders. Anyway, what about the killers of James Byrd? Did they get lethal injections??? Also, Joyce Brown of Texas, spent, what, 15 to 20 years in prison before it was learned, she absolutely was innocent...??? What's a Black Life Worth?
*I had the chance to visit the Stadium-Armory in Washington, DC (MY HOMETOWN) to talk to and help the Hurricane Katrina victims. My fellow citizens, not "refugees". There's a lot being done and some are getting help, but there's a lot more to be done. Everyone should have a chance to talk to some of these victims and hear what they have to say. What spirit and resilience...
*Bill Bennett's comment on aborting all Black babies in the USA would eliminate the crime rate in America... who is he kidding? I am Black and I have NEVER committed a crime, nor been arrested, (although the Montgomery County Police Department in Maryland are defaming me with untruth) and I know so many Black people whom have NEVER committed any crimes, yet the stereotype exists. Unfortunately, there's an element in America that has lost its collective mind... Go figure... Love eliminates hate, increase the peace... who wants to abort babies? What a sicko...
*Speaking of crime and police, et al... it's been a year since I was hit by a car in Gaithersburg, Maryland and my landlord at the time, seeing me pain, thought it was good idea to call the police. Yes, that's what I said. When the police arrived, he took a picture of my face and my injury. Friday, September 30 of this year, it dawned on me that the police may be using that photograph for other purposes. It made my mind think the unthinkable, as to why everywhere I go, there they are, and later, everyone's behaviour changes towards me. Oh well, more truth is caught than taught. Also, truth rises to the top, like the creme of the crop.
*the purposely negligible tracking systems in many schools, which miseducates or undereducates (same thing) African American, Latino and poor White children across the nation. By the time they get to the high school years, they are ill prepared to take any tests for which they have not even been exposed to the material. Word to the wise-get your kid(s) out of ESOL and developmental classes and all that other bull crap! Make them do the hard stuff, because life is hard, why take it easy and then suffer later? Homeschooling is a great option, but not for everyone.
*My latest song is titled "Somebody's Child" but I can't post it until my copyright goes through. Should be no problem, right? You never know.
*BTW, does anyone feel like there's just too much wrong in the world today? Like, you can barely catch your breath over one thing, before some other "phenomenon-catastrophe-disaster-"idea", etc." comes along to make you "faint out of fear" or depressed as hell or exhausted, or... all three. Sorry to be such a party pooper, but life isn't fair.
*One week Gilligan's Island's Bob Denver dies, and the very next week, Get Smart's Don Adams dies.
*I hear Cindy Sheehan got arrested in my HOMETOWN, Washington, DC last week. When I saw it on tv (I don't watch much of it), she was grinning, almost happy. ??? Not a Black thing, I can tell you. We wouldn't smile when they come for us. Guess that sort of tells you something about justice. As the old rap song goes "not justice, just us"...
*O yeah, and kudos for Demi Moore. She got hitched to yung'un Ashton Kutcher. Hope they stay happy....
*I've been able to catch snippets of this show called the Majority Report, I believe, on Air America radio. I think his name is Mike Malloy or something, not sure... if you can't get it go on the radio go to and listen/read.
Later... peace pleeeeese...


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