Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Blogging Points-November 23, 2005

He Y'all....
Just testing stuff out before I get started. Okay, here goes...
1-30,000 national security letters.... I heard this on Air America Radio, Washington Post, Democracy Now, and a few other places. I am one of the people probably on this list, but I have never committed a crime, nor insinuated anything violent nor illegal, I am totally innocent of all this crazy nonsense and I guess this is the new America, complete with Patriot Act abuses under Section 215. You name it I've been through it in the last 4 years. Oh well, home invasions, "investigations of my home, neighbors, family and business. NO I AM NOT PARANOID!
2-DeutscheWelle (hope I spelled it right) has a new Best of the Blogs (BOBS) and it seems pretty interesting.
3-Ever wanted to change your life,(drastically) but don't know how? I want to do that, but I feel so stuck. I managed to read Oprah's magazine - O - recently on how to make some changes and be happy with it.
4-Also, I want to have Baby Beyonce' on either my blog or my site, just because it's so cute and funny. Until I get it up and going, just Google in "Baby Beyonce" if you haven't seen it yet.
5-BTW, Beyonce' and her mom, Tina Knowles were on Oprah, and I missed it. Complete with a fashion show of their new clothing line, ladies...
6-America's Next Top Model- Who do you think will win? Kim, Bre or Nicole? Who do you think will be the top 3 finalists?
7-Mary J Blige is on the cover of this month's Vibe magazine-shout out to a much deserved diva, who is finally getting her props.
8-See me (and my kid) on and channel 7/8 (out of Washington, DC-ABC affiliates) at the Silver Spring Thanksgiving Day Parade. Hope you see us. Maureen Bunyan and Doug Hill were the officiators/commentators. It was pretty cool. Silver Spring is becoming a nice little city.
9-I highly recommend the beautiful book, "A Small Nation of People:WEB DuBois and African American Portraits of Progress. It is a collection of the most beautiful photographs of African Americans at the turn of the century (mostly late 1890s and between 1900 and 1920 era) I love photographs, they can tell you so much. A picture truly is worth a thousand words.
10-Alas, Nicole Richey needs to eat something; she's starting to look like Snoopy's pal,Woodstock. "Nicole, eat something, please".
11-Speaking of eating... genetically modified foods; not a good idea for your health. Usually anything that should be grown normally and it's twice the size may be genetically modified. Watch your produce, milk and other dairy products and animal flesh. So much to watch out for... mad cow, alar in apples, blah, blah, blah...Nothing left to eat.
12-Go to for more.


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