Thursday, January 22, 2009


Well, it's official... the long journey home to the White House is history. Inauguration Day started for me at 1am, waking up and getting to Independence Avenue, SE in Washington, DC, a little after 4 am. There were already throngs of people, crowding the streets everywhere. I had my credentials and my id because I had registered as a volunteer, weeks ahead of time. It was a wonderful day and I met people from everywhere, literally. As far away as California and Oregon, even Canada...there were lots of Canadians there with their flags w/ the red maple leaf on it. The Canadian Embassy was on the parade route, but Secret Service had it blocked off for most of the day. It was a festive occasion and an historical one. Tears came to my eyes as my President took the Oath of Office. We (the crowd I was with in the morning and early afternoon) cheered, cried, hugged each other, laughed and yes, many booed when George "Dubya" Bush came out of the halls of the Capitol for the swearing-in ceremony. I always thought I hated Bush Number Two until that day... I felt kinda sorry for him. On second thought... naaaahhh, I don't like him, but hate is a strong word. I will not hate on him and I believe he did what he thought was right for the country. It just wasn't right, though.
Nevertheless, it was a momentous occasion. Also, YouTube is afloat with these accusations about Beyonce' singing at the inauguration. As I told y'all before, there were several petitions going around on the net to stop her from singing. Now many of her fans are saying nasty things b/c they believe she sang there. Those of us who were really there know that Diva Legend Aretha Franklin sang at the inauguration, right before Obama was sworn in. It happened, as always, on the Capitol, outside, where all the citizens are witnesses to this event, and the members of Congress and the Senate are there, along w/ all the former Presidents and First Ladies and the Supreme Court Justices. Beyonce' actually sang on the Sunday b4the inauguration at the Lincoln Memorial, at a free concert entitled We Are One, w/ several other entertainers, such as Bruce Springsteen (one of my mentions), Sheryl Crow and others. Jay-Z gave a concert but it wasn't free and open to the general public. Beyonce' also sang the first song at the first inaugural ball that the President and First Lady attended. They attended 10 balls in all so they couldn't spend all night at that one and get up in the morning for church service at the National Prayer at the National Cathedral. Too much! In the late afternoon and evening, my kid and I were right there at the Capitol Hilton for a ball, teaming w/ police from all over the nation, many dispersed all over Washington, DC and we saw many celebs as they got out of the limos. It was more exciting than the two Clinton parades and inauguration, b/c many people were still fired up 4 Obama, even after he was sworn in. They were still chanting his name! I've never seen crowds like that. So MANY people! Do I feel bad that I was in a posh hotel, warm and comfy while the hordes were outside? Not really, b/c I did my part. We were treated very lavishly after the swearing-in ceremony. Many people, especially African Americans, had never taken part in an inauguration, and didn't have a clue what it entails. That's why it pays to read my blog or read the United States Constitution and books, so u will know what the heck is going on. See, a lot of people assume that Beyonce' sang at the inauguration, which she did not. As I have said previously, inaugurations ARE NOT ENTERTAINMENT EVENTS. They are political and legal events. My kid learned so much from this one. She was rapt w/ attention, once we got out of the bitter cold at 4am. The volunteer captains were already out there on the other side of the Air and Space Museum and they were holding up placards so that each volunteer who arrived would know his team, if he/she read her email, text messages and/or recieved a phone call from PIC. We were to stand behind the Team Captains in line. We (my kid and I) were dispersed to several different locations. It was unbelievably cold at 4 am in the morning and there was only ONE warming bus! For millions of people! The Secret Service would not let people in who didn't have credentials. Luckily I had mine and was let through the line. Some people got upset and tried to push through the gates and fences after me, but they got seriously pushed back and threatened by police (Officer K was gracious) and several Secret Service men. They were NOT playing! I tried to get in my relatives, but they preferred to wait b/c they thought I wouldn't be able to get them in w/just my pass. I came back later and they were gone. I had warm hats and hot tea 4 them. Nevertheless, I will post my pictures of Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann of MSNBC right across the street in their own warm enclosure, live. They turned around several times to smile and wave at the happy crowds. I also got a picture of the CNN Express bus but we couldn't find, nor see Anderson Cooper anywhere, darn it. Tried though we did! Also, we stayed and got some great pictures of the parade, even the podium where the First Family sat and watched the parade, where Al Roker screamed for the President and First Lady to come on over and talk to him, but of course he couldn't. He smiled and waved and Al Roker jumped up and down like an excited fan. It was great. We met Ekhu (hope I spelled it right) an Associated Press journalist and photographer from Israel, who thought we were beautiful and helped us up to the podium, but after the Obamas were already gone. We stayed for the whole parade. Utah had a booming, jazzy, soul-filled band! I was shocked that they could groove like that! Early on, there was a parade of policemen, sheriffs, park rangers and military men/women all marching down the street. I got a picture of one taking a picture of himself w/ his digital camera as he marched in unison. I was fully aware of all that was happening b/c during the orientation and registration of volunteers at the Inaugural Committee, they gave us the map routes, a book on inaugural facts and history, and the schedules 4 Inauguration Week for the President, the Vice President and the First Lady and Vice President's wife. I am keeping that book 4 a museum or something b/c I doubt anyone else has thought of doing that. Maybe the American History Museum at the Smithsonian? All the First Ladies' inaugural gowns are there. Btw, Our First Lady looked amazing in her golden-greenish ensemble and her green Jimmy Choo shoes! And of course, the First Daughters of the Nation, were (and are) simply adorable! I like the advice Jenna and Barbara gave to them, especially to remember, he's your dad. I am so enthralled that there was not one violent incident and no arrests, in the spirit of the Obama campaign and the transfer of power was smooth. Thank God Senator Ted Kennedy is better and out of the hospital. I wonder why he wasn't sent to George Washington Medical Center, instead of Washington Hospital Center. Okay, it may be about the same distance from the captiol, but some things are better than others in my opinion. No slam on WHC.
All in all, it was a very good day to be alive and kicking and be witnesses to history. Note: On Day One as President, Obama started on the closing of Guantanamo and letting the civilized world know that the US does not ignore the Geneva Conventions and torture prisoners, so that our soldiers, if captured, will not be subjected to torture (it is our hope); so that is the beginning of rebuilding the United States' image to our allies and our ... not-so-allies. There are many things on the President's plate, and as he said, we need to get to work. We (well, I know I am) ready to work w/ THIS administration and rebuild the America I knew as a child and adult, and missed dearly during the National Nightmare that lasted 8 (count' em) 8 LOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNG years! Also, a shout out to the DNC, who knew a great strategy would bring back those who were decieved by biblical talk, w/o the biblical walk! I mean, we are all adults here, we should all know RIGHT FROM WRONG! The civil CIVIL war that was fought during these years was a fight to the finish, and for the greater good. Pro bono. My President knows what this really means as he is a lawyer and he taught consitutional law. I was studying this when the Bush administration came into being.
I gotta go there... as I said, I don't appreciate all the hate on Beyonce', she is human, but since she said she wants to be smarter, I hope she makes good on that, so she can be more articulate and not bring so much derision on herself. A lot of people are disrespecting her b/c she is not expressing herself intelligently enough to be taken seriously, but she is an entertainer, not a scholar. Still, I hope she will be inspired to inspire others who look up to her. If The Obamas were not articulate, educated and intelligent, they would not be where they are today! I certainly would not have read his books and listened to him. I wouldn't have even shown up at American University, were he not an intelligent man. Blackness has nothing to do w/it! I admire and respect knowledge and unity. That said, hope her fans will learn more as well. Also, Another post soon, too much to say. I will give it to you incrementally. Peace be unto u all, no matter what. All is right w/ the world. Smile.

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