Wednesday, November 05, 2008


As the world knows, President-Elect Barack Obama is now a reality. The world breathes a sigh of relief. I had the great pleasure to work on the Elect Obama Campaign in the swing state of Virginia for the last two weeks, and it was worth every door I knocked on, every person I spoke with, every bit of news I learned (and BOY did I learn a lot!), every chance I took (out at night with no street lights knocking on doors of undecideds, by myself!) phone calls, letters and getting 3 hours a sleep at night and waking up to do more 20 hour days (long story), I envisioned this when I got to see Obama at American University in February 2008. I knew he could win or get very close, because he appeals to so many. And it was time for a new regime in the United States of America. I had my daily Obama obsession and it will never end! I have cried tears of joy and disbelief since he won Ohio (that's when I knew!). Obama is like me: he 'looks like' he is something he is not (called a Muslim daily, when he is a proven Christian and he looks that way because of his racial admixtures). He was berated and betrayed, ridiculed and patronized, vilified and criminalized, and yet, he kept his cool the whole time. To say I admire him is the least I can say of my number one HERO! I love this man. I actually envisioned Sascha and Malia in the White House this last two weeks! Later I will tell you the moods I encountered in Virginia, Washington, DC and Maryland on Election Night.
*Also, I had not voted since 1988, because I thought my vote didn't matter. I had voted for Walter Mondale and Reagan won. I voted for Michael Dukakis and Bush Number One became President. So I wallowed in apathy and self-pity and decided it didn't matter. I LOVED Bill Clinton and always will, no matter his personal business,(impeachment proceedings against Clinton and none against Dubya?) and defended him for 8 years, but I didn't think my vote counted. I was amazed at the Constitutional/Supreme Court selection of George W. Bush Number 2. Yet, still, I did not vote. I cried like a baby who had been punched in 2004 when Bush won by "deceiving even the very elect" I guess trying to be a real Christian to shave off the evangelical vote. I also didn't think Kerry fought hard to win! I was pissed at my next Great White Hope, Howard Dean not getting the nomination. So I became a Libertarian by learning about them at a University Open House. I wallowed in misery for 4 years and watched the USA become a near Third World nation (in some parts) and the laughingstock of the industrialized nations. BUT... yesterday, I would not let ANYTHING stop me from voting my anger and disgust at a corrupt and unconcerned administration! I would not let ANYTHING keep me from voting for the man I started calling "my President" in August 2008! If they broke my legs or shot me, I would have crawled on my belly to press that button! If I couldn't get to the polling place on wheels, I would have walked, trust me! I woke up (after only 3 hours of sleep) at 5 am to drag my also sleep-deprived daughter to see the voting process up close and personal. We waited about an hour and the people in line were knowledgeable, fired up and ready and very friendly. I'll have more later. As I shouted repeatedly in the streets of the nation's capital, last night, past the dressed up Republicans at the Hilton Hotel on K Street ( stone's throw from the White House) as they were in utter shock, and to the many vehicles passing by blowing their horns in support, and the countless numbers of mostly White Youth running and walking towards the White House chanting "Obama", my chant became "PEACE AND PROSPERITY AGAIN, FOR AMERICA AND THE WORLD!
For now, please see the Wassup 2008 video. PEACE! I'm gonna try and get some sleep, but I am so excited!


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