Sunday, February 24, 2008

Hey Y'all

Luv and Kisses...

*Misnomer-For those of U who believe that U can read a file or a blog and know about someone, U are mentally slow! It's like expecting the President to abolish the Supreme Court decision making abortion legal. U know the decision, Roe vs. Wade? It can't happen like that b/c it's a law and U have to follow the law, whether U agree or not. Same with reading something or hearing something about someone. It doesn't mean U know that person at all. Right?

*Don't Play Me Small: That's what Oprah said at the UCLA rally in California, when she was accused by those who said she had jumped ship from women's empowerment and issues. She: "Oprah, how could U? U R a woman." She replied, "Yes, I am and I am a free woman, and as a free woman U have the right to change your mind. and that's with all things." Also, Michelle Obama, an articulate and passionate woman, and Caroline Kennedy and Maria Shriver-Schwarzenegger were all there. Great speeches.

*Speaking of an Obama... Is Barack Black enough? What determines who is "Black enough"? And WHO determines if someone else is "Black enough"? And what does Black enough mean? And Black enough for what?

*Someone says I do not like Hillary Clinton. Untrue. I admire Hillary and Bill Clinton and supported them vehemently during their 8 years in the W.H. They did a lot of good there. I already knew Hillary's issues, I just went to hear Obama's issues b/c all I knew of him was his book, Audacity of Hope. Someone asked me to be there, so I came. It will be interesting to see how the Democratic convention will turn out in Colorado. I understand the 1968 Convention in Chicago was a muh-hunchie!

*Are U Experienced? People question Obama's experience, and I heard a caller on C-SPAN last week. He said "No one has experience being President until they have actually been the President".

*Donna Edwards beat out Al Wynn for Maryland.

*Are we still ONE nation, under God, INDIVISIBLE? With LIBERTY and JUSTICE for ALL? Are we still the land of the FREE and the home of the BRAVE? Don't be scared!

*DENZEL WASHINGTON- On Black Friday, I wanted to do something different besides go shopping. I'd been out enjoying myself in a very different Thanksgiving and just didn't want to come back and do the same ol', same ol... so I went to see American Gangsta. A true story with Mr. Denzel Washington, the opening scene was uber-violent! I understand that an artist has to stretch! In December, right b4 Xmas, I received 2 free passes to a sneak preview of The Great Debaters, also w/ Denzel. I LOVED this movie! It was also a true story and I had never heard of these people and it was about an HBCU and "one person" said they didn't want to see it b/c Oprah always does movies that are about slavery and oppression but at the end was clapping! I recommend this movie especially for young adults and the like. Forrest Whittaker and Jurnee Smollett (remember on Full House? Stephanie's friend) were also in this movie. Excellent!

*Congratulations to Gary Coleman who got married to a woman 20 years younger and much taller as well. I hope they remain happy.

*Watch your non-GMO's y'all. Just b/c it's labeled "organic", doesn't really mean it's better for u.

* has a section of the world's most beautiful or sexy women and they are all in their late 30s and 40's and beyond, like Halle Berry, Selma Hayek, Charlize Theron and Susan Sarandon. Interesting.

*Divas Dahling...Aretha Franklin is upset with Beyonce' over her onstage duet with Tina Turner. Oh-oh! Also I saw Patti LaBelle on CNN this morning being interviewed about Black women contracting HIV from Black men on the down-low. I was just waking up so I am not sure, but I think it's for a new movie she's in about this subject. And Katherine Hepburn, Dorothy Dandridge and Dakota Staton are on exhibit at the Portait Gallery. It is awesome, with Kate's Oscars on display and clips of some of her movies in a tv screen to watch and everything! A must see!

*Saw Perez Hilton's Big Divas Show on VH-1 the other day. He had Chaka Khan and Dolly Parton and Mary J. Blige on. He also said Prince was a male Diva. Umm, the term is Divo. Anyways, he had a Diva Checklist which includes: big hair, big closet, hangs w/ other Divas, makes demands, has a pimped out tour bus... w/ a name of its own, is inspiring to others (of course), won't let others run over them (Never!), has a personal chef (unless U R Miss Patti LaBelle and U can cook and love to cook), has gorgeous gams, wears lots of jewelry, is an international jetsetter, has false modesty(hah!), is a born entrepreneur, loves the gays (and gays love them), and makes a diva entrance. Show was good, what I caught of it. Salt n Pepa were on there and they mentioned Miss Miley Cyrus!!! The best of both worlds.... I love that show! Her dad is so hot!

*Note to DListed and Celebitchy-Still love ya! Always and forever...

*Hang tough, Britney!

*Animal Planet-I will try not to watch this show anymore b/c I hate to see how awful humans treat their planet mates, the animals! Besides, Meerkat Manor is sad, though at times funny. first Flower dies, then Mozart. It was so heartbreaking to see her stand alone and lonely and scared, under the moonlight all night and then laying dead by dawn, probably the work of a jackal. Flower and Mozart are desert Divas!

QUOTE TIME!-The truth will set U free, but first it will piss U off!-Gloria Steinem


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