Monday, December 08, 2008


Okay... today is a special day and I got a lot to say, but I can't say it all (not just yet, I'm trying to stay on a positive tip for now).
*New Beginnings... (smile)
*I thought Michelle Malkin was Black! I saw a picture of her and I just knew she was a Black woman, she just hated her own people. I'm not joking! Dark skin, wide nose, full lips, I thought she just had stereotypical features and was a
lightskinned(ed) Black girl who married a White guy and rejected her own people! Every picture I have seen, she looks like an ordinary Black chick to me, even though I have just learned today that she is Asian! Wow! Shocker! I have only read her vitriol once and I don't even think I finished it, but I honestly assumed she was African-American hating on her own peeps. Ooops!
*I made a mistake and assumed the worst in my writings and rushed through without looking hard enough for the info so I made a change and after I made the change, I found what I was looking for. No harm done. Probably a necessary precaution anyway.
*Gotta say it... Sarah Palin really IS stupid! She dissed Oprah and snubbed her as far as coming on her show. Lemme explain. Oprah catapulted President-Elect Barack Obama into the national spotlight and soon the international consciousness. If Sarah Palin's dumb ass wants to run in 2012, (yeah right, get a clue first!) she shouldn't have dissed Oprah, who is seen around the world. Afterall, she was not a priority right after WE THE PEOPLE had spoken loud and clear on November 4th, 2008. Besides, when I saw the Katie Couric interview and then later the Charlie Gibson interview, all I could do was sit like Macaulay Culkin in Home Alone, hands on face, mouth wide open. I just said "WTF?" How the _____ did she even become governor of Alaska? No seriously, HOW? I mean it's okay, her acting stupid, b/c I was feeling her when she said she had to work for a living and couldn't afford university like those with a silver spoon in their mouths (like most in the GOP, by the way). I could relate. Until she couldn't name one... ONE newspaper IN ALL THE LAND! Not one. No una! Non une! Nein ein! Not even from her own damned state? It's okay b/c she helped my President get elected. So goes the myth of innate White superiority. I think,... no, I know it pissed off a lot of White people. She may have been nervous I surmised. Therefore she can't handle the Presidency. So much for John MCain's experience and judgement. Ever heard of interviews, John?
*Puttin' it Out There-I have never understood why Black people hurt other Blacks. I believe it stems from slavery, even though we aint slaves anymore, PHYSICALLY. Someone early on in this election process, a Black male, asked what I thought of Mike Huckabee. I was quietly astonished that he thought a White Baptist preacher would be a good candidate for a Black male to vote for, when we had this unflappable, articulate, educated, relatable Black man in the running. Brainwashed by Focus On the Family, (James Dobson is a racist; he finally came out). Huckabee wanted to abolish the IRS which is beyond stupid! Convincing others that they pay too much in taxes is not good when you are a preacher. Remember Jesus said "Render to Caesar what is Caesar's", when He saw Caesar's face/image on the coin and was questioned about allegiance? I guess a lot of blind Christians don't understand that these pseudo-Christians twist everything for their gain and they are usually (not always) racists. They also need to understand that taxes go for city, county and state General Hospitals and clinics,free school lunches and breakfasts, fire and rescue, ambulance and police services, public libraries and parks and a whole lot more. Huckabee as a minister doesn't have to worry his church will be taxed. Separation of Church and State under the United States Constitution guarantees certain inalienable rights. So why did Huckabee want to abolish the IRS and why would a Black male think that would be a good idea? He aint rich! Sounds to me like more greedy, racist Republicons hiding behind the cross they don't know about to convince the sheep (sheep frequently can go blind, long story) that God is on their side, so they must be (W)right. See this powerful video clip from Mandingo on Blacks hurting and doing other Blacks in. It's very powerful indeed.
*BEYONCE'-Okay, I haven't posted anything on girl in a long time, but when I saw her impromptu interview about the election and how she volunteered to sing at the Obama inauguration with her super sexual image onstage, I had to respond. Two things: there's a petition online to Say No to Beyonce' "Performing" at the Inauguration due to her image as a booty shaker of late, when Black women fervently need to shake off that "ho'" and "bitch" and "skank" and "bedwench" image that is exported to other nations. No one is saying she isn't able to contain her stage act for this momentus occasion, but almost 800 people have signed this petition against her performing DUE TO HER IMAGE, which won't soon be forgotten. Now before I say anything else, lemme just say that I thought Bey was excellent a few years back. Her lyrics (or whomever's lyrics they actually are) were positive and empowering and she put on a good show and showed she had what it takes. Yet here of late, she has moved to the most undignified stage act with a stripper pole and singing songs about her Kitty Kat and Suga Momma, and I am just not understanding this shift towards the raunchy. I took my child to see her in concert in 2006 and I thought her an angel on that stage in the blue dress and her hair (I'm not going there) flowing from the fan. The image now has changed significantly. So I signed the petiton! I'm not finished yet, hear me out! This is what I said as my comment: WE THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, in order to have a more dignified, classy, inclusive Inauguration Day, voters for President-Elect Barack Obama, many of us whom went door-to-door in all kinds of whether for him, and of all races, ethnicities, ages and political viewpoints, as well as varying musical tastes, prefer someone with a little more class and intelligence, that appeals to older people as well, and will show the world a different image of Black women. We hold these truths to be self-evident that all entertainers are created equal, but all are not suited for the Inauguration of a President. This is not a slam on Beyonce, we love her of course, but this is a historic, political event, not an entertainment ace-in-the-hole for singers. There's Jill Scott, Patti LaBelle, Bruce Springsteen (Born in the USA) and Denise Graves the opera singer from Washington, DC. Or how about a slamming church choir? Appeal to the masses if you can. There are so many. And Obama said himself on tv that he loves Old School. This event will be seen around the world. Maybe someone with a different image for this one, Okay?
Now, having said my piece and many agreeing with me after I put it out there, I read these other comments and I am appalled! It has turned into a Beyonce'-bashing. I did not expect so much hate! I simply thought that with Prime Ministers, and other foreign dignitaries, Princes and other royalty, as well as everyday folk around the world looking to see how the First Black President's inaugural entertainment will be, after having seen our rap videos, will be a reason for racists to slam MY PRESIDENT. Look how they vilified him over Bill Ayers, Tony Rezko, Jeremiah Wrong and twisted anything even loosely connected with this man! Do we really want people to research the celebs on the internet and say "why is he associated with all of these negative images of super sexuality?" Do we want the lie to be told that Black women deserved to be raped in slavery b/c they had wanton lusts that were uncontrollable? People will say anything to bring this man's image down. We have to export dignity and class to the world, not porn. Little kids will be reading this in the history books for eons and we better have our stuff right. She has become famous for her sexual image. She used to be so different. Rembember?Yet I object to all the hating of this young woman. Many times, record labels will ardently push a woman to present herself as a sex object in order to sell more (sex sells), but not at the inauguration of our (OUR) First Black President! Black people have had a terrible image problem, worldwide but particularly here because of media depictions, so we gotta show them who we really are, the best and the brightest. Have you seen the Colored Spade video clip from the musical Hair? It's posted on this blog site. This is what some folks still think of us! Besides, why is everyone only thinking a Black artist can perform? If U had gone to any Obama/Hope/Change campaign offices and seen all the many White people working seriously, as well as some Asians, Latinos, Arab Americans, Jews for Obama, it wasn't just us, 13% (I guess)of America's population. He's a uniter, not a divider. Of course we are proud, we should all be. Remember, Obama will be SWORN IN as the
44th President, it is a legal, political event. Parties, balls and entertainment are separate from this ceremony. I am a native Washingtonian and I have been an attendee at some of the inaugurations. This is his (Obama's) day and Michelle's day and the First Daughters' day and the American people's day. Remember also that Black History Month will take on new vigor now! Let us show the world who WE say we are! (There are several petitions online against Beyonce' but some of the things said are frightfully mean, so you will have to find them yourself if you are interested).
*BACK TO THE TRANSITION! SIDWELL FRIENDS... If I had had the time, I would have publicly blasted a writer in a newspaper in DC shortly after the election, for even suggesting that the President-Elect and the FBFL (First Black First Lady!) might think about placing their precious daughters in DCPS! I was so angry u would've thought the First Daughters were MY children! Yeah, I know Jimmy Carter and Rosalyn Carter did it with Amy, bless them, but... NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I did time for 3 LONG years in DC Public Schools and I am still recovering from the shock! I have volunteered in one of the poorest schools (elementary) in the city for more than 10 years now, when I can and I LOVE it! BUT NO! It is not for the President-Elect's daughters! Absolutely never! So thank God the Obamas and their advisors, savvy and astute as they all are, chose the Sidwell Friends School, which Chelsea Clinton attended. My child has two friends whom attended the Lower School and they are fluent in French, have traveled the world and the young man is a mathematical genius! They are both outstanding in social graces and academics. This has to do with their parents also (u know nature vs nurture) but the Obama girls should not be thrown to an unworkable system (sorry, but it is not that it's not good enough, it just aint good!) to prove a point for anyone's political barter! SF will serve them well.
*THE F.B.F.L y'all! Our First Black First Lady. I am so thrilled, but I haven't finished my draft on this one yet, b/c it's just gonna take me some time. I have envisoned a Black First Lady for many years and finally it has come true! Stay tuned while I hash this one out.
*Two days after this historic election, I wrote a piece called EVANGELICAL
"CHRISTIANS" and BUSH-THE AFTERMATH. It's not pretty and it is going to step on some toes, b/c certain people need to stop drinking the kool-aid and sleepwalking through time! I will post it soon, but not now. 'Kay?
*The Health Care Debate-Did u know that Mattel, (makers of Barbie and accessories) as well as some Hasbro items are now manufactured in Canada? That's right. No longer made in America. At least that's what I saw. They are now sent from Canada to the US, no longer MADE IN THE USA. See, Canada (and I love Canada and the Canadian people so much, they are smart and friendly, beautiful and interesting) has universal health care. If the weather is inclement and u have a sick baby and two toddlers (I witnessed this) the doctor comes to you! So big corporations don't have to pay their workers health insurance b/c the Canadian government already has that covered for them. So the USA workers lose more jobs to Canada and Mexico (which also produces electronics and household appliances). American workers lose mean income and benefits. These goods are produced cheaper in Canada and especially Mexico. Stiff the American! That brings me to NAFTA. The North American Free Trade Agreement. FREE TRADE meaning jobs,goods and workers in the market can easily cross borders now, but Bush decided to halt Americans from crossing Mexico and Canada easily by presenting a valid passport upon exiting and re-entering the USA, as of December 31, 2006. Stiff the American, b/c South of the Border is wide open, there's no denying that, and there are 20 (TWENTY) Spanish-speaking countries in Latin America. By the way, legal immigrants are the most vociferous opponents of the illegal immigration debate! They seem angrier than White people about it! For real.
*GANGSTALKING MOVIES: Must see (if u haven't already)Lakeview Terrace, Eagle Eye, Story of Frances Farmer (true story), Enemy of the State, Street Kings (which I just saw about two weeks ago, EXCELLENT!), Batman: Dark Knight and now, The Changeling (which I just saw this weekend, also excellent and a true story). I don't know about any electronic weapons or whatever, but gangstalking is real, y'all. It is. Google it.
*Other movies: House Bunny was cute and predictable. I really liked it. Tyson Ritter of All-American Rejects was in this movie. Also I saw Sisterhood of the
Travelling Pants, but I fell asleep on it. I am sure it was a good movie, though.
"W" (or, Dubya)-Last month or in October or September, one of the previews was for "W" the movie by Oliver Stone. Both times that it showed the previews, in two different movie theatres, the audience laughed. As if to say, '8 years of Bush is enough, I can't sit through 2 more hours of him'. I saw Million Dollar Baby on cable not too long ago and it was really a very good movie!
*Once I saw and heard Obama speak at American University, I believed he could win the Presidency, but I thought the Republicons would rig the election and there would be a riot.
*See video clips of Date A President with Katt Williams and a beautiful Obama ad with celebs that I just love and my new Inauguration Watch and other stuff.
Quote: "When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross".-Author Sinclair Lewis

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

No thank you Ms.O -

Governor Palin does have to come on your show, this is the bottom line.

Its clear to see were Mrs.O is coming from, I would suggust that Mrs. O invite Bill Oriely to come on her show.



2:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oprah and Palin should be able to like or dislike whoever they want... too bad that's pretty much impossible if they want to maintain their approval ratings

12:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the "What's up" guys video.


12:48 AM  

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